This document contains code that is too long to display in the slides.

You should use this supplement to follow along and try executing the example code yourself.

Variables and Namespaces

When you execute a statement like x <- 5 in R, you are creating an object in memory which holds the numeric value 5 and is referenced by the variable name “x”.

If you later ask R to do something like y <- x + 2, it will search sequentially through a series of namespaces until it finds a variable called “x”. Namespaces can be thought of as collections of labels pointing to places in memory. You can use R’s search() command to examine the ordered list of namespaces that R will search in for variables.

# Check the search path of namespaces
## [1] ".GlobalEnv"        "package:stats"     "package:graphics" 
## [4] "package:grDevices" "package:utils"     "package:datasets" 
## [7] "package:methods"   "Autoloads"         "package:base"
# use ls() to list the objects in one of those namespaces
##   [1] "acf"                  "acf2AR"               "add.scope"           
##   [4] "add1"                 "addmargins"           "aggregate"           
##   [7] "" "aggregate.ts"         "AIC"                 
##  [10] "alias"                "anova"                "ansari.test"         
##  [13] "aov"                  "approx"               "approxfun"           
##  [16] "ar"                   "ar.burg"              "ar.mle"              
##  [19] "ar.ols"               "ar.yw"                "arima"               
##  [22] "arima.sim"            "arima0"               "arima0.diag"         
##  [25] "ARMAacf"              "ARMAtoMA"             "as.dendrogram"       
##  [28] "as.dist"              "as.formula"           "as.hclust"           
##  [31] "as.stepfun"           "as.ts"                "asOneSidedFormula"   
##  [34] "ave"                  "bandwidth.kernel"     "bartlett.test"       
##  [37] "BIC"                  "binom.test"           "binomial"            
##  [40] "biplot"               "Box.test"             "bw.bcv"              
##  [43] "bw.nrd"               "bw.nrd0"              "bw.SJ"               
##  [46] "bw.ucv"               "C"                    "cancor"              
##  [49] "case.names"           "ccf"                  "chisq.test"          
##  [52] "cmdscale"             "coef"                 "coefficients"        
##  [55] "complete.cases"       "confint"              "confint.default"     
##  [58] "confint.lm"           "constrOptim"          "contr.helmert"       
##  [61] "contr.poly"           "contr.SAS"            "contr.sum"           
##  [64] "contr.treatment"      "contrasts"            "contrasts<-"         
##  [67] "convolve"             "cooks.distance"       "cophenetic"          
##  [70] "cor"                  "cor.test"             "cov"                 
##  [73] "cov.wt"               "cov2cor"              "covratio"            
##  [76] "cpgram"               "cutree"               "cycle"               
##  [79] "D"                    "dbeta"                "dbinom"              
##  [82] "dcauchy"              "dchisq"               "decompose"           
##  [85] "delete.response"      "deltat"               "dendrapply"          
##  [88] "density"              "density.default"      "deriv"               
##  [91] "deriv3"               "deviance"             "dexp"                
##  [94] "df"                   "df.kernel"            "df.residual"         
##  [97] "DF2formula"           "dfbeta"               "dfbetas"             
## [100] "dffits"               "dgamma"               "dgeom"               
## [103] "dhyper"               "diffinv"              "dist"                
## [106] "dlnorm"               "dlogis"               "dmultinom"           
## [109] "dnbinom"              "dnorm"                "dpois"               
## [112] "drop.scope"           "drop.terms"           "drop1"               
## [115] "dsignrank"            "dt"                   "dummy.coef"          
## [118] "dummy.coef.lm"        "dunif"                "dweibull"            
## [121] "dwilcox"              "ecdf"                 "eff.aovlist"         
## [124] "effects"              "embed"                "end"                 
## [127] "estVar"               "expand.model.frame"   "extractAIC"          
## [130] "factanal"             "factor.scope"         "family"              
## [133] "fft"                  "filter"               "fisher.test"         
## [136] "fitted"               "fitted.values"        "fivenum"             
## [139] "fligner.test"         "formula"              "frequency"           
## [142] "friedman.test"        "ftable"               "Gamma"               
## [145] "gaussian"             "get_all_vars"         "getCall"             
## [148] "getInitial"           "glm"                  "glm.control"         
## [151] ""              "hasTsp"               "hat"                 
## [154] "hatvalues"            "hclust"               "heatmap"             
## [157] "HoltWinters"          "influence"            "influence.measures"  
## [160] "integrate"            "interaction.plot"     "inverse.gaussian"    
## [163] "IQR"                  "is.empty.model"       "is.leaf"             
## [166] "is.mts"               "is.stepfun"           "is.ts"               
## [169] "is.tskernel"          "isoreg"               "KalmanForecast"      
## [172] "KalmanLike"           "KalmanRun"            "KalmanSmooth"        
## [175] "kernapply"            "kernel"               "kmeans"              
## [178] "knots"                "kruskal.test"         "ks.test"             
## [181] "ksmooth"              "lag"                  "lag.plot"            
## [184] "line"                 "lm"                   ""              
## [187] "lm.influence"         "lm.wfit"              "loadings"            
## [190] "loess"                "loess.control"        "loess.smooth"        
## [193] "logLik"               "loglin"               "lowess"              
## [196] "ls.diag"              "ls.print"             "lsfit"               
## [199] "mad"                  "mahalanobis"          ""           
## [202] "makeARIMA"            "makepredictcall"      "manova"              
## [205] "mantelhaen.test"      "mauchly.test"         "mcnemar.test"        
## [208] "median"               "median.default"       "medpolish"           
## [211] "model.extract"        "model.frame"          "model.frame.default" 
## [214] "model.matrix"         "model.matrix.default" "model.matrix.lm"     
## [217] "model.offset"         "model.response"       "model.tables"        
## [220] "model.weights"        "monthplot"            "mood.test"           
## [223] "mvfft"                "na.action"            "na.contiguous"       
## [226] "na.exclude"           ""              "na.omit"             
## [229] "na.pass"              "napredict"            "naprint"             
## [232] "naresid"              "nextn"                "nlm"                 
## [235] "nlminb"               "nls"                  "nls.control"         
## [238] "NLSstAsymptotic"      "NLSstClosestX"        "NLSstLfAsymptote"    
## [241] "NLSstRtAsymptote"     "nobs"                 "numericDeriv"        
## [244] "offset"               "oneway.test"          "optim"               
## [247] "optimHess"            "optimise"             "optimize"            
## [250] "order.dendrogram"     "p.adjust"             "p.adjust.methods"    
## [253] "pacf"                 "Pair"                 "pairwise.prop.test"  
## [256] "pairwise.t.test"      "pairwise.table"       "pairwise.wilcox.test"
## [259] "pbeta"                "pbinom"               "pbirthday"           
## [262] "pcauchy"              "pchisq"               "pexp"                
## [265] "pf"                   "pgamma"               "pgeom"               
## [268] "phyper"               "plclust"              "plnorm"              
## [271] "plogis"               "plot.ecdf"            "plot.spec.coherency" 
## [274] "plot.spec.phase"      "plot.stepfun"         "plot.ts"             
## [277] "pnbinom"              "pnorm"                "poisson"             
## [280] "poisson.test"         "poly"                 "polym"               
## [283] "power"                "power.anova.test"     "power.prop.test"     
## [286] "power.t.test"         "PP.test"              "ppoints"             
## [289] "ppois"                "ppr"                  "prcomp"              
## [292] "predict"              "predict.glm"          "predict.lm"          
## [295] "preplot"              "princomp"             "printCoefmat"        
## [298] "profile"              "proj"                 "promax"              
## [301] "prop.test"            "prop.trend.test"      "psignrank"           
## [304] "psmirnov"             "pt"                   "ptukey"              
## [307] "punif"                "pweibull"             "pwilcox"             
## [310] "qbeta"                "qbinom"               "qbirthday"           
## [313] "qcauchy"              "qchisq"               "qexp"                
## [316] "qf"                   "qgamma"               "qgeom"               
## [319] "qhyper"               "qlnorm"               "qlogis"              
## [322] "qnbinom"              "qnorm"                "qpois"               
## [325] "qqline"               "qqnorm"               "qqplot"              
## [328] "qsignrank"            "qsmirnov"             "qt"                  
## [331] "qtukey"               "quade.test"           "quantile"            
## [334] "quasi"                "quasibinomial"        "quasipoisson"        
## [337] "qunif"                "qweibull"             "qwilcox"             
## [340] "r2dtable"             "rbeta"                "rbinom"              
## [343] "rcauchy"              "rchisq"               "read.ftable"         
## [346] "rect.hclust"          "reformulate"          "relevel"             
## [349] "reorder"              "replications"         "reshape"             
## [352] "resid"                "residuals"            "residuals.glm"       
## [355] "residuals.lm"         "rexp"                 "rf"                  
## [358] "rgamma"               "rgeom"                "rhyper"              
## [361] "rlnorm"               "rlogis"               "rmultinom"           
## [364] "rnbinom"              "rnorm"                "rpois"               
## [367] "rsignrank"            "rsmirnov"             "rstandard"           
## [370] "rstudent"             "rt"                   "runif"               
## [373] "runmed"               "rweibull"             "rwilcox"             
## [376] "rWishart"             "scatter.smooth"       "screeplot"           
## [379] "sd"                   "se.contrast"          "selfStart"           
## [382] "setNames"             "shapiro.test"         "sigma"               
## [385] "simulate"             "smooth"               "smooth.spline"       
## [388] "smoothEnds"           "sortedXyData"         ""             
## [391] "spec.pgram"           "spec.taper"           "spectrum"            
## [394] "spline"               "splinefun"            "splinefunH"          
## [397] "SSasymp"              "SSasympOff"           "SSasympOrig"         
## [400] "SSbiexp"              "SSD"                  "SSfol"               
## [403] "SSfpl"                "SSgompertz"           "SSlogis"             
## [406] "SSmicmen"             "SSweibull"            "start"               
## [409] "stat.anova"           "step"                 "stepfun"             
## [412] "stl"                  "StructTS"             "summary.aov"         
## [415] "summary.glm"          "summary.lm"           "summary.manova"      
## [418] "summary.stepfun"      "supsmu"               "symnum"              
## [421] "t.test"               "termplot"             "terms"               
## [424] "terms.formula"        "time"                 "toeplitz"            
## [427] "toeplitz2"            "ts"                   "ts.intersect"        
## [430] "ts.plot"              "ts.union"             "tsdiag"              
## [433] "tsp"                  "tsp<-"                "tsSmooth"            
## [436] "TukeyHSD"             "uniroot"              "update"              
## [439] "update.default"       "update.formula"       "var"                 
## [442] "var.test"             "variable.names"       "varimax"             
## [445] "vcov"                 "weighted.mean"        "weighted.residuals"  
## [448] "weights"              "wilcox.test"          "window"              
## [451] "window<-"             "write.ftable"         "xtabs"

Dollarstore Calculator Math

# Addition with "+"
4 + 5
## [1] 9
# Subtraction with "-"
100 - 99
## [1] 1
# Multiplication with "*"
4 * 5
## [1] 20
# Division with "/"
15 / 3
## [1] 5
# Exponentiation with "^"
## [1] 8
# Order of Operations
4 * 5 + 5 / 5
## [1] 21
# Control with parentheses
4 * (5 + 5) / 5
## [1] 8

Data Structures


  • Because R was designed for use with statistics, most of its operations are vectorized
  • You can create vectors a few ways:
# Ordered sequence of integers
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# Counting by 2s
seq(from = 0, to = 14, by = 2)
## [1]  0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14
# Replicate the same values
rep(TRUE, 6)
# Concatenate multiple values with the "c" operator
c("all", "of", "the", "lights")
## [1] "all"    "of"     "the"    "lights"
# Watch out! Mixing types will lead to silent coercion
c(1, TRUE, "hellos")
## [1] "1"      "TRUE"   "hellos"
# Some functions, when applied over a vector, return a single value
## [1] TRUE
# Others will return a vector of results, 5, 10, NA, 8))
# Vectors can be named
batting_avg <- c(
  youkilis = 0.300
  , ortiz = 0.355
  , nixon = 0.285
## youkilis    ortiz    nixon 
##    0.300    0.355    0.285
# You can combine two vectors with c()
x <- c("a", "b", "c")
y <- c("1", "2", "3")
c(x, y)
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "1" "2" "3"


Vectors are the first multi-item data structure all R programmers learn. Soon, though, you may find yourself frustrated with the fact that they can only hold a single type. To handle cases where you want to package multiple types (and even multiple objects!) together, we will turn to a data structure called a list.

Capabilities Vectors Lists
Optional use of named elements
Support math operations like mean()
Hold multiple types
Hold multiple objects
# Create a list with list()
myList <- list(
  a = 1
  , b = rep(TRUE, 10)
  , x = c("shakezoola", "mic", "rulah")

# Examine it with str()
## List of 3
##  $ a: num 1
##  $ b: logi [1:10] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
##  $ x: chr [1:3] "shakezoola" "mic" "rulah"


Imagine that you want to build a model of the relationship between resource wealth and quality-of-life outcomes like life expectancy. You got out to the World Bank to grab some data, and the dataset you get includes a column called “region” with values like “Africa”, “European Union”, and “South America”. How can you use this variable in a model or for generating region-by-region summary stats? This is where R’s factor type comes in.

regions <- c("Africa", "European Union", "South America", "South America", "European Union")
region_fac <- as.factor(regions)

##  chr [1:5] "Africa" "European Union" "South America" "South America" ...
##  Factor w/ 3 levels "Africa","European Union",..: 1 2 3 3 2

What does it mean for region to be a factor? Essentially, a factor is a categorical variable. R uses a cool trick to save memory when storing factors…internally, R will convert factor values to integers and then keep around a single table the tells it, e.g., that 1 = “Africa”, 2 = “European Union”, etc..

# Check it out! R has assigned integer values to the "region_fac" variable
## [1] 1 2 3 3 2
# But you can also access the character values if you want
## [1] "Africa"         "European Union" "South America"  "South America" 
## [5] "European Union"
# For more, see:
##  Factor w/ 3 levels "Africa","European Union",..: 1 2 3 3 2
## [1] "Africa"         "European Union" "South America"

Data Frames

Vectors and lists are crucial data structures in R, but you may find that they’re difficult to work with in model training and other data science tasks. It is now time to introduce a third foundational data structure: the data frame.

Data frames are tables of data. Each column of a data frame can be a different type, but all values within a column must be the same type.

# Create a data frame!
myDF <- data.frame(
    time_period    = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    , temperature  = c(25.6, 38.7, 31.4, 40.0, 29.20)
    , station      = c("A", "B", "A", "A", "B")
    , is_gov_owned = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)

# Check out the structure of this thing
## 'data.frame':    5 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ time_period : num  1 2 3 4 5
##  $ temperature : num  25.6 38.7 31.4 40 29.2
##  $ station     : chr  "A" "B" "A" "A" ...
##  $ is_gov_owned: logi  TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE

R comes with some sample data sets you can experiment with. Let’s load the mtcars data.frame and test out some new commands!

# Load the mtcars data frame

# Check out its structure
## 'data.frame':    32 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ mpg : num  21 21 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2 ...
##  $ cyl : num  6 6 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 ...
##  $ disp: num  160 160 108 258 360 ...
##  $ hp  : num  110 110 93 110 175 105 245 62 95 123 ...
##  $ drat: num  3.9 3.9 3.85 3.08 3.15 2.76 3.21 3.69 3.92 3.92 ...
##  $ wt  : num  2.62 2.88 2.32 3.21 3.44 ...
##  $ qsec: num  16.5 17 18.6 19.4 17 ...
##  $ vs  : num  0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ...
##  $ am  : num  1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ gear: num  4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 ...
##  $ carb: num  4 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 ...
# View the top 10 rows
head(mtcars, n = 10)
##                    mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
## Mazda RX4         21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
## Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6 160.0 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
## Datsun 710        22.8   4 108.0  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1
## Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6 258.0 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1
## Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8 360.0 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2
## Valiant           18.1   6 225.0 105 2.76 3.460 20.22  1  0    3    1
## Duster 360        14.3   8 360.0 245 3.21 3.570 15.84  0  0    3    4
## Merc 240D         24.4   4 146.7  62 3.69 3.190 20.00  1  0    4    2
## Merc 230          22.8   4 140.8  95 3.92 3.150 22.90  1  0    4    2
## Merc 280          19.2   6 167.6 123 3.92 3.440 18.30  1  0    4    4
# View the bottom 10 rows
tail(mtcars, n = 10)
##                   mpg cyl  disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
## AMC Javelin      15.2   8 304.0 150 3.15 3.435 17.30  0  0    3    2
## Camaro Z28       13.3   8 350.0 245 3.73 3.840 15.41  0  0    3    4
## Pontiac Firebird 19.2   8 400.0 175 3.08 3.845 17.05  0  0    3    2
## Fiat X1-9        27.3   4  79.0  66 4.08 1.935 18.90  1  1    4    1
## Porsche 914-2    26.0   4 120.3  91 4.43 2.140 16.70  0  1    5    2
## Lotus Europa     30.4   4  95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.90  1  1    5    2
## Ford Pantera L   15.8   8 351.0 264 4.22 3.170 14.50  0  1    5    4
## Ferrari Dino     19.7   6 145.0 175 3.62 2.770 15.50  0  1    5    6
## Maserati Bora    15.0   8 301.0 335 3.54 3.570 14.60  0  1    5    8
## Volvo 142E       21.4   4 121.0 109 4.11 2.780 18.60  1  1    4    2

Logical Operators

Often in your code, you’ll want to do/not do something or select / not select some data based on a logical condition (a statement that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE). Here are some examples of how to construct these statements in R.

# "and" logic is expressed with "&"
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] FALSE
-5 < 5 & 3 > 2 # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
# "or" logic is expressed with "|"
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
3 < 8 | 8 > 19 # TRUE
## [1] TRUE

The most common operators used to generate logicals are >, <, ==, and !=

# "equality" logic is specified with "=="
3 == 3   # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
4 == 4.1 # FALSE
## [1] FALSE
# "not" logic is specified with !. In a special case, != signifies "not equal"
!TRUE            # FALSE
## [1] FALSE
!FALSE           # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
4 != 5           # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
# "greater than" and "less than" logic are specified in the way you might expect
5 < 5  # FALSE
## [1] FALSE
6 <= 6 # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
4 > 2  # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
3 >= 3 # TRUE
## [1] TRUE

You can use vectors of logicals (TRUE and FALSE) to subset other objects. As a general rule, when you put a vector on the left-hand side of a logical condition like == or >, you will get back a vector as a result.

vehicleSizes <- c(1, 5, 5, 2, 4)

# Create a logical index. Note that we get a VECTOR of logicals back
bigCarIndex <- vehicleSizes > 4

# Taking the SUM of a logical vector tells you the number of TRUEs.
## [1] 2
# Taking the MEAN of a logical vector tells you the proportion of TRUEs
## [1] 0.4


Subsetting Vectors

Subsetting is the act of retrieving a portion of an object, usually based on some logical condition (e.g. “all elements greater than 5”). In R, this is done with the [ operator.

myVec <- c(
    var1 = 10
    , var2 = 15
    , var3 = 20
    , av4 = 6

# "the first element"
## var1 
##   10
# "second to fourth element"
myVec[c(2, 3, 4)]
## var2 var3  av4 
##   15   20    6
# "second to fourth elements"
## var2 var3  av4 
##   15   20    6
# "the element named var3"
## var3 
##   20
# "the elements named var1 and var3"
myVec[c("var1", "var3")]
## var1 var3 
##   10   20
# "third element, then the fourth one repeated twice"
myVec[c(3, 4, 4)]
## var3  av4  av4 
##   20    6    6

Subsetting Lists

Lists, arbitrary collections of (potentially heterogeneous) R objects, are subsetted a bit differently than vectors. If you use [ with a list, you are guaranteed to get back another list. If you use [[, you will get back an object in its natural form (whatever it would look like if it wasn’t in the list). You can also use $ to access named elements.

# Set up a sample list object
someList <- list(
    country = "DEU"
    , region  = "EU"
    , econ_stats = list(
        gdp_growth = 1.5
        , rm10y    = 2.75
        , DAXmonthly = c(1000, 1100, 1050, 1200, 1500)

# Examine the list structure
## List of 3
##  $ country   : chr "DEU"
##  $ region    : chr "EU"
##  $ econ_stats:List of 3
##   ..$ gdp_growth: num 1.5
##   ..$ rm10y     : num 2.75
##   ..$ DAXmonthly: num [1:5] 1000 1100 1050 1200 1500
# Grab the country name
country1 <- someList[["country"]]
country2 <- someList$country

## [1] "character"
## [1] "character"
identical(country1, country2)
## [1] TRUE
# Grab the economic stats as a list within a list
germanyStats <- someList["econ_stats"]
## [1] "list"
# Grab the numeric vector of stock prices
daxPrices <- someList$econ_stats$DAXmonthly
## [1] "numeric"
# Another way to parse down the list for stock prices
## [1] 1000 1100 1050 1200 1500

Subsetting Data Frames

Data frames are the workhorse data structure of statistics in R. The best way to learn data frame subsetting is to just walk through the examples below:

# Create a data frame
someDF <- data.frame(
    conference  = c("Big East", "Big Ten", "Big East", "ACC", "SEC")
    , school_name = c("Villanova", "Minnesota", "Marquette", "Duke", "LSU")
    , wins        = c(18, 14, 19, 24, 12)
    , ppg         = c(71.5, 45.8, 66.9, 83.4, 58.7)

# Grab the wins column (NOTE: will give you back a vector)
someDF[, "wins"]
## [1] 18 14 19 24 12
## [1] 18 14 19 24 12
# Grab conference and wins columns
someDF[, c("conference", "wins")]
##   conference wins
## 1   Big East   18
## 2    Big Ten   14
## 3   Big East   19
## 4        ACC   24
## 5        SEC   12
# Grab the first 3 rows and the two numeric columns
someDF[1:3, c("wins", "ppg")]
##   wins  ppg
## 1   18 71.5
## 2   14 45.8
## 3   19 66.9

Using Logical Vectors

So far, we’ve seen how to subset R objects using numeric indices and named elements. These are useful approaches, but both require you to know something about the contents of the object you’re working with.

Using these methods (especially numeric indices like saying give me columns 2-4) can make your code confusing and hard for others to reason about. Wherever possible, I strongly recommend using logical vectors for subsetting. This makes your code intuitive and more flexible to change.

# Some data frame
playerDF <- data.frame(
    playerName   = c("Rajon Rondo", "Paul Pierce", "Kevin Garnett", "Ray Allen", "Big Baby")
    , position   = c("PG", "SF", "PF", "SG", "C")
    , apg        = c(14.2, 3.5, 4.6, 5.0, 0.7)
    , ppg        = c(4.8, 31.0, 24.6, 33.2, 12.3)
    , fg_percent = c(-.062, 0.48, 0.63, 0.80, 0.51)

# "Give me a data frame with all Rondo and KG's stats"
nameIndex <- playerDF$playerName %in% c("Rajon Rondo", "Kevin Garnett")
## [1] "logical"
##      playerName position  apg  ppg fg_percent
## 1   Rajon Rondo       PG 14.2  4.8     -0.062
## 3 Kevin Garnett       PF  4.6 24.6      0.630
# "Give me apg for players who averaged more than 20 ppg"
playerDF[playerDF$ppg > 20, c("playerName", "apg")]
##      playerName apg
## 2   Paul Pierce 3.5
## 3 Kevin Garnett 4.6
## 4     Ray Allen 5.0
# "Give me stats for all the guards""
guardIndex <- grepl("G", playerDF$position)
playerDF[grepl("G", playerDF$position)]
##      playerName  ppg
## 1   Rajon Rondo  4.8
## 2   Paul Pierce 31.0
## 3 Kevin Garnett 24.6
## 4     Ray Allen 33.2
## 5      Big Baby 12.3
# "Give me stats for players who were guards OR show above 50% from the field"
playerDF[grepl("G", playerDF$position) | playerDF$fg_percent > 0.5,]
##      playerName position  apg  ppg fg_percent
## 1   Rajon Rondo       PG 14.2  4.8     -0.062
## 3 Kevin Garnett       PF  4.6 24.6      0.630
## 4     Ray Allen       SG  5.0 33.2      0.800
## 5      Big Baby        C  0.7 12.3      0.510

Controlling Program Flow


Soon after you start writing code (in any language), you’ll inevitably find yourself saying “I only want to do this thing if certain conditions are met”. This type of logic is expressed using if-else syntax

## [1] "SATURDAY"
# If it's Monday, print 2 Gauss facts. Otherwise, print 1
if (DAY == "MONDAY"){
    print("message 1")
    print("message 2")
} else {
    print("other message")
## [1] "other message"

What if you want to express more than two possible outcomes? For this, we could use R’s else if construct to nest conditions. Note that conditional blocks can have any number of “else if” statements, but only one “else” block.

# Try to think through what this will do before you run it yourself:
if (4 > 5){
} else if (6 <= (5/10)) {
} else if (4 + 4 + 4 == 12.0001) {
} else {
## [1] "2"

For Loops

One of the most powerful characteristics of general purpose programming languages is their ability to automate repetitive tasks. When you know that you want to do something a fixed number of times (say, squaring each item in a vector), you can use a for loop.

# Create a vector
x <- c(1,4,6)

# Print the square of each element one at a time
## [1] 1
## [1] 16
## [1] 36
# BETTER: Loop over the vector and print the square of each element
for (some_number in x){
## [1] 1
## [1] 16
## [1] 36

While Loops

For loops are suitable for many applications, but they can be too restrictive in some cases. For example, imagine that you are writing a simple movie search engine and you want to tell R “look through an alphabetized list of movies and tell me if you find Apocalypse Now”. A for loop can certainly do this, but it will keep running over ALL movies…long after it finds Ace Ventura! This is a great place to use a while loop.

Here is the for loop implementation:

movies <- c(
    "ace ventura"
    , "apocalypse now"
    , "return of the jedi"
    , "v for vendetta"
    , "zoolander"
MOVIE_TO_SEARCH_FOR <- "apocalypse now"

# Naive for loop implementation
i <- 1
for (movie in movies) {
    if (movie == MOVIE_TO_SEARCH_FOR) {
        print(paste0(i, ": found it!"))
    } else {
        print(paste0(i, ": not found"))
    i <- i + 1
## [1] "1: not found"
## [1] "2: found it!"
## [1] "3: not found"
## [1] "4: not found"
## [1] "5: not found"

And here is the while loop implementation. Notice that this one stops checking once it finds what it wants. In this case, it’s more efficient to use a while loop to solve this problem.

movies <- c(
    "ace ventura"
    , "apocalypse now"
    , "return of the jedi"
    , "v for vendetta"
    , "zoolander"
MOVIE_TO_SEARCH_FOR <- "apocalypse now"

# Faster while loop implementation
i <- 1

    # Check this element
    if (movies[i] == MOVIE_TO_SEARCH_FOR) {
        print(paste0(i, ": found it!"))
    } else {
        print(paste0(i, ": not found"))
        i <- i + 1

    # If we've reached the end, break out. Otherwise, increment the counter
    if (i == length(movies)){
        print("Done searching. This movie isn't in the list")
## [1] "1: not found"
## [1] "2: found it!"


R is a functional programming language. To write powerful, concise code, you’ll need to master the use and creation of functions.

“If you find yourself copying and pasting the same code more than twice, it’s time to write a function.” - Hadley Wickham

# Function to return only the numbers smaller than 10
nums <- c(1, 3, 4, 8, 13, 24)

getLittleNumbers <- function(some_numbahs){
    lil_ones <- some_numbahs[some_numbahs < 10]

## [1] 1 3 4 8

Positional and Keyword Arguments

When you call a function with arguments in R, you can provide those arguments two ways:

  • “positional” = based on the order
  • “keyword” = matching a specific argument by name
someFunction <- function(x, y, z){
  print(paste0("x: ", x))
  print(paste0("y: ", y))
  print(paste0("z: ", z))

If you don’t use the = sign in the function call, all argument values are matched positionally. The first value is assigned to the first argument, the second to the second, and so on.

someFunction(4, 8, 10)
## [1] "x: 4"
## [1] "y: 8"
## [1] "z: 10"

If you pass all keyword arguments, you can pass them in any order. All of the function calls below have the same result.

someFunction(x = 1, y = -1, z = 3)
## [1] "x: 1"
## [1] "y: -1"
## [1] "z: 3"
someFunction(x = 1, z = 3, y = -1)
## [1] "x: 1"
## [1] "y: -1"
## [1] "z: 3"
someFunction(z = 3, y = -1, x = 1)
## [1] "x: 1"
## [1] "y: -1"
## [1] "z: 3"

If you pass a mix of positional and keyword, all of the keyword arguments are matched first. Once they’ve all been matched, the positional values are assigned to the remaining unmatched arguments in order.

someFunction(10, 100, x = -5)
## [1] "x: -5"
## [1] "y: 10"
## [1] "z: 100"

Required Arguments

  • R functions take 0 or more arguments…basically named variables that the function uses to do it’s work
  • Take a look at ?sqrt. You’ll see that it takes one argument, named x. You can pass any vector of numeric values to this argument and sqrt() will return the square root of each element
  • In this case, we’d say x is a required argument of sqrt()
# Take the square root of a vector of numbers
sqrt(x = c(1, 4, 9, 16, 25))
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
# Note that calling this function without the argument will throw an error!
## Error in sqrt(): 0 arguments passed to 'sqrt' which requires 1

Default Argument Values

  • For more complicated functions, passing values to each argument can get burdensome
  • To handle this, R allows function authors to specify default values. These are values that certain arguments will take automatically unless you decide to overwrite them
  • Example: look at ?rnorm. You’ll see that this function’s signature reads rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1).
# 100 random draws from a normal distribution w/ mean 0 and standard deviation 1
rand_nums <- rnorm(n = 100)

# 100 random draws from a normal distribution w/ mean 4.5 and standard deviation 1
rand_nums <- rnorm(n = 100, mean = 4.5)

Functions That Return Stuff

As you’ve seen in previous examples, the R special word return tells a function to “give back” some value. When you execute an expression like x <- someFunction(), that function’s return value (an R object) is stored a variable called “x”.

Unlike in some other programming languages, R allows you to use multiple return values inside the body of a function. The first time that the code inside the function reaches a return value, it will pass that value back out of the function and immediately stop executing the function.

# simple function + print debugging
simpFunction <- function(n){
    print("first print")
    if (n > 5){

    print("second print")
    if (n < 5){

    print("third print")

## [1] "first print"
## [1] TRUE
## [1] "first print"
## [1] "second print"
## [1] "third print"
## [1] "TRALSE"

Functions That Return Nothing

Not all functions have to return something! Sometimes you may want to create a function that just has some side effect like creating a plot, writing to a file, or print to the console.

These are called “null functions” and they’re common in scripting languages like R. By default, these functions return the R special value NULL.

printSentence <- function(theSentence){
    words <- strsplit(
      x = theSentence
      , split = " "
    for (word in words){

# Assigning to an object is irrelevant...this function doesn't return anything
x <- printSentence("Hip means to know, it's a form of intelligence")
## [1] "Hip"          "means"        "to"           "know,"        "it's"        
## [6] "a"            "form"         "of"           "intelligence"


Remember when we talked about namespaces and how R searches for objects? It’s time to extend that logic to functions…which is where things get a bit weird and hard to understand.

R uses a search technique called lexical scoping.

Let’s define a function that takes a single input, named y.

someFunc <- function(y){

When you try to call this function in a clean environment, it throws an error. This is because the code inside the function is looking for something called x.

someFunc(y = 5)

### Error in someFunc(y = 5) : object 'x' not found

If you define x in the global environment and try again, the function won’t throw an error…but does its result make sense?

x <- 4
someFunc(y = 5)
## [1] 16

What happened here? When R ran the statement x ^ 2 inside the function someFunc(), it went searching for the value of x. It first looked around in the function’s local environment, but all it found there was a y (the argument you passed in). Next, it went “up a level” in to the global environment. It found x there and used that.

In practice, this is very dangerous. Functions should always be self-contained, which means they should only reference objects passed in to them or made available via libraries. Relying on data in the global environment can lead to strange outcomes. Notice that now, the output of someFunc() is the same no matter what we pass it!

## [1] 16
## [1] 16
## [1] 16

It would be better to re-write the function to take in x.

someFunc <- function(x){

With this re-write, now the function will use the x in its local environment (the one that was passed in), and not look at the one in the global environment.

someFunc(x = 5)
## [1] 25

Because the function’s local environment is its own independent thing, calling the function someFunc() does not alter the value of x in the global environment.

## [1] 4
someFunc(x = 10)
## [1] 100
## [1] 4

Looping with lapply

R’s *apply family of functions are a bit difficult to understand at first, but soon you’ll come to love them. They make your code more expressive, flexible, and parallelizable (more on that final point later). One of the most popular is lapply() (“list apply”), which loops over a thing (e.g. vector, list) and returns a 1-level list. Let’s try it out:

# Create a list
studentList <- list(
  kanye = c(80, 90, 100)
  , talib = c(95, 85, 99)
  , common = c(100, 100, 99)

# Better way with lapply
grades <- lapply(studentList, mean)

Looping with sapply

You’ve seen how to loop over a vector/list and get back a list of function results. This may not be appropriate for some settings. Remember that you cannot execute statistical operations like mean() over a list. For that, we’d probably prefer to have a vector of results. This is where R’s sapply() (“simplified apply”) comes in. sapply() works the same way that lapply() does but returns a vector. Try it for yourself:

# Get some data
weights <- ChickWeight$weight

# Loop over and encode "above mean" and "below mean"
the_mean <- mean(weights)
meanCheck <- function(val, ref_mean){
    if (val > ref_mean){
        return("above mean")
    if (val < ref_mean){
        return("below mean")
    return("equal to the mean")
check_vec <- sapply(
    X = weights
    , FUN = function(x){
        meanCheck(val = x, ref_mean = the_mean)

Looping with apply

When analyzing real-world datasets, you may want to use the same looping convention we’ve been discussing, but apply it over many items and the get some summary (such as the median) of the results. This is where R’s apply() function comes in!

apply() allows you to loop over the rows or columns of a data frame and execute an arbitrary function. The code below holds some examples of what can be accomplished with apply().

# Get some data

# Calculate column-wise range
cwRanges <- apply(
    X = ChickWeight
    , MARGIN = 2
    , FUN = function(x){

# Calculate row-wise range
rwRanges <- apply(
    X = ChickWeight
    , MARGIN = 1
    , FUN = function(blah){

Using External Packages

This example shows some interesting data visualizations you can make using {data.table}, {dygraphs}, and {quantmod}.

Install these packages:

install.packages(c("data.table", "dygraphs", "quantmod"))
# Load dependencies

# Get data
cpiData <- quantmod::getSymbols(
    Symbols = "CPIAUCSL"
    , src = "FRED"
    , auto.assign = FALSE

# Plot it!
    data = cpiData
    , main = "U.S. CPI"
    , xlab = "date"
    , ylab = "Index (1982-1984 = 100)"
    , elementId = "plot"
) %>%

Sourcing Helper Functions

In the examples so far, I’ve been defining functions and using them in the same breath. As your projects grow in complexity, you will find this really tedious and hard to keep track of.

An alternative that many intermediate R programmers turn to is defining one or more helperfuns.R scripts to store custom functions and then using source() at the top of their run scripts to make those functions available in the main program.

Let’s create two scripts.

script 1: helperfuns.R

# Define some arbitrary custom function
myFunction <- function(n){
    if (n <= 5){
    } else {

script 2: run_script.R

# uncomment the line below to source in the helper functions file

# Apply that function over some data
le_stuff <- sapply(c(1:20), myFunction)

# Plot the result
plot(x = 1:20, y = le_stuff)


Working with Files

File Paths

Whenever you find yourself reading data into R or writing data out of it, you will need to work with file paths. File paths are just addresses on your computer’s file system. These paths can either be relative (expressed as steps above/below your current location) or absolute (full addresses).

All relative paths in R are relative to your working directory, a single location that you can set and reset any time in your session.

# Check and then change the current working directory
sandbox_repo <- file.path(getwd(), "repos", "sandbox")

# Reference a file with a full path
myDF <- read.csv(
    file = file.path(
        , "data"
        , "some_data.csv"

# Reference a file with a relative path
myDF <- read.csv(file = "./data/some_data.csv")

R provides a few other utilities for working with file paths and directory structures.

  • file.path(): create a filepath from multiple parts
  • file.exists(): returns TRUE is a file exists and FALSE if it doesn’t
  • list.files(): get a character vector with names of all files found in a directory
  • dir.exists(): returns TRUE is a directory exists and FALSE if it doesn’t
  • dir.create(): create a new directory
# List all the files in some directory and put the list in a vector
docs_dir <- file.path(
    , "some_folder"
    , "docs"
theFiles <- list.files(path = docs_dir)

# Create a directory if it doesn't exist
slide_dir <- file.path(docs_dir, "slides")
if (!dir.exists(slide_dir)) {

# Check if a file exists
report_file <- file.path(docs_dir, "report.xlsx")
myFileExists <- file.exists(report_file)

Downloading files from the internet

To download files hosted on the internet, you can use download.file().

  url = ""
  , destfile = "iris.csv"


CSV stands for “comma-separated values”. This format is a really common to share small, tabular datasets because it is just a text file, and can be ready by many different types of programs. R has several options for reading this type of file.

  • read.csv(): base R function for reading CSVs into a data.frame
  • data.table::fread(): super-fast CSV reader that creates a special type of data.frame called a data.table
  • read.delim(): similar to read.csv(), but can read files with any delimiter
  • readr::read_csv(): CSV reader from RStudio

A CSV is just a plaintext file where the first row is column names separated by columns and each following row is an observation with columns separated by commas.


To begin this example, download the example file from the course repository.

iris_url <- ""
iris_file <- "iris.csv"
  url = iris_url
  , destfile = iris_file

Then read it in with read.csv() and inspect it with head().

irisDF <- read.csv(
  file = iris_file
  , header = TRUE
  , row.names = 1

This function can also read CSV data directly from files on the internet.

irisDF <- read.csv(
  file = iris_url
  , header = TRUE
  , row.names = 1


In the Economics / Business world (and many other areas!), Microsoft Excel is pretty much unavoidable. You’ll get data from the internet, your colleagues, clients, etc. in Excel format and may want to work with it in R. There are a few packages for doing this, but in this course we’ll focus on openxlsx.

NOTE: This package requires certain Java components that you may not have on your machine. If you run into issues, I recommend 1) installing an updated version of JRE or 2) exploring other packages like xlsx or readxl.

To begin this example, download the example file from the course repository.

gdp_url <- ""
gdp_file <- "gdp.xlsx"
  url = gdp_url
  , destfile = gdp_file

Then read it in with openxlsx::read.xlsx() and view it with head().

gdpDF <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(
    xlsxFile = gdp_file

This function can also read Excel data directly from files on the internet.

gdpDF <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(
    xlsxFile = gdp_url

You can also use this package to write Excel files. You can do really complicated stuff (like conditional formatting, named ranges, and live formulas) from inside of R. It’s tough to set up at first, but can be VERY useful if you find yourself spending a lot of time running routine reports whose format is the same from update to update.


# load mtcars

# create a workbook object in R
testWB <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()

# Add sheets and data
    wb = testWB
    , sheetName = "car_data"
    wb = testWB
    , sheet = "car_data"
    , x = mtcars

# Write out the file
testing_file <- "testing.xlsx"
    wb = testWB
    , file = testing_file


JSON (“Javascript Object Notation”) is a standard format for “semi-structured” or “nested” data. It’s a plain-text format that can be used by many programs and programming languages.

  "status": 200,
  "data": [
    {"customer_name": "Lupe", "purchases": 10},
    {"customer_name": "Wale", "purchases": 30}

To begin this example, download the example file from the course repository.

tweet_url <- ""
tweet_file <- "tweets.json"
  url = tweet_url
  , destfile = tweet_file

Open the file in a text editor and inspect its contents. It contains a sample response from the Twitter API, which is used by developers to build applications that interact with Twitter. Here’s a preview:

  "created_at": "Mon May 06 20:01:29 +0000 2019",
  "id": 1125490788736032800,
  "id_str": "1125490788736032770",
  "text": "Today's new update means that you can finally add Pizza Cat to your Retweet with comments! Learn more about this ne…",
  "display_text_range": [
  "truncated": true,
  "in_reply_to_status_id": null,
  "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,
  "in_reply_to_user_id": null,
  "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null,
  "in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
  "user": {
    "id": 2244994945,
    "id_str": "2244994945",
    "name": "Twitter Dev",
    "screen_name": "TwitterDev",
    "location": "Internet",
    "url": "",
    "description": "Your official source for Twitter Platform news, updates & events. Need technical help? Visit ⌨️ #TapIntoTwitter",
    "translator_type": "null"

There are a few packages for reading this type of data in R. The example below uses one of the most popular, {jsonlite}. Read in the file with jsonlite::fromJSON() and view its contents with str().


tweetList <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
  txt  = tweet_file
  , simplifyDataFrame = FALSE

str(tweetList, max.level = 3)

This function can also read JSON data directly from files on the internet.

tweetList <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
  txt  = tweet_url
  , simplifyDataFrame = FALSE
str(tweetList, max.level = 3)

Unstructured Text files

In the context of statistical programming, text files that are “unstructured” are those that do not have an obvious parallel in a data object like a data frame, vector, list, or key-value store. An example might be a large archive of tweets or a collection of court transcripts.

The code below examines a text file with all of Shakespeare’s sonnets.

# Parameters
shakespeare_url <- ""

# Read all the text into a vector (one line per element)
text_vec <- readLines(con = shakespeare_url)

# Examine a few random lines:
sample(text_vec, 5)
## [1] "On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set,"                       
## [2] "Thou art as tyrannous, so as thou art, "                       
## [3] "I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,"                    
## [5] "Therefore my verse to constancy confin'd,"

Missing Values

NA is a special object in R, used to capture the idea of “a value whose value is unknown”. Confusing, right? We’re going to go through a few examples to get you feeling comfortable with missing values. They’re an inevitability in real-world data.

PRO TIP: See ?NA for R’s documentation on the nuances of NA

# Create a vector w/ missing data
some_nums <- c(1,2,NA, 6, NA, 8)
## [1]  1  2 NA  6 NA  8
# Use to get a vector of TRUE/FALSE for the question "is this element NA?"
# Confirm that even w/ NAs, R still knows this is a numeric vector
## [1] "numeric"

Strategy 1: Total Eradication

The first approach you may take to dealing with NA values is to simply drop them from your data. If you don’t think these missing data have any business value and your dataset is big enough that you can afford to drop some rows / columns, this is the right move for you.

# Removing NAs for vectors
top5 <- c(
  , "Chance"
  , NA
  , "Lupe Fiasco"
  , "Shad"
  , "Kanye"
  , NA
## [1] "Wale"        "Chance"      NA            "Lupe Fiasco" "Shad"       
## [6] "Kanye"       NA
top5cleaned <- top5[!]
## [1] "Wale"        "Chance"      "Lupe Fiasco" "Shad"        "Kanye"
# Removing rows with ANY NAs for data.frames
myDF <- data.frame(
    x = c(1, 2, NA, 4)
    , y = c(NA, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
    , z = c("hey", "there", NA, "friends")
cleanDF <- myDF[complete.cases(myDF), ]

Strategy 2: Handle on Subsets

You may find the “remove all the NAs everywhere” strategy a bit too aggressive for your use case. If you have a 100-variable dataset and a single variable (column) is 90% NA values, do you really want to drop every row where that variable is NA? A better approach might be to selectively subset out columns where missing values are most severe before using complete.cases() to remove rows.

# Create a data frame where some variable have more NAs than others
testDF <- data.frame(
    var1 = sample(c(rnorm(99), NA), 200, replace = TRUE)
    , var2 = sample(c(rnorm(50), rep(NA, 50)), 200, replace = TRUE)
    , var3 = sample(c(rnorm(5), rep(NA, 95)), 200, replace = TRUE)

# Find columns that are more than 90% missing values
.percent_na <- function(a_vector){
colsToDrop <- apply(testDF, MARGIN = 2, .percent_na) > 0.9
cleanDF <- testDF[, !colsToDrop]

# Remove rows w/ remaining NAs
cleanDF <- cleanDF[complete.cases(cleanDF),]

Strategy 3: Imputation

A final strategy, particularly useful in modeling contexts, is to use some imputation strategy to replace NA values with reasonable alternatives. One common approach (and my favorite), the roughfix method. It works like this: - For numeric columns, replace NAs with the column median - For categorical columns, replace NAs with the most common value

# Create a data frame where some variable have more NAs than others
testDF <- data.frame(
  var1 = sample(c(rnorm(99), NA), 500, replace = TRUE)
  , var2 = sample(c(rnorm(70), rep(NA, 30)), 500, replace = TRUE)
  , var3 = sample(c(rnorm(85), rep(NA, 15)), 500, replace = TRUE)

# Clean up w/ roughfix
cleanDF <- randomForest::na.roughfix(testDF)


The Base Plotting System

R is famous, in part, for its ability to create production-quality plots within the default graphics package it ships with. This plotting paradigm is often referred to as “the base plotting system”.

The essential idea of the base plotting system is to build up plots in layers. You first create a simple scatter plot, for example, then “add on” a legend, more variables, other plot types, etc. We’ll try a few examples using the sample data created below.

# Load up the famous iris dataset
head(iris, n = 10)
##    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1           5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 2           4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 3           4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
## 4           4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
## 5           5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 6           5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa
## 7           4.6         3.4          1.4         0.3  setosa
## 8           5.0         3.4          1.5         0.2  setosa
## 9           4.4         2.9          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 10          4.9         3.1          1.5         0.1  setosa

Let’s start with a simple scatter plot to answer the question are sepal length and sepal width related?.

# Create a simple scatter plot
  x = iris$Sepal.Length
  , y = iris$Sepal.Width
  , type = "p"

# Try again, but with labels!
  x = iris$Sepal.Length
  , y = iris$Sepal.Width
  , main = "My Second R plot!"
  , xlab = "sepal length"
  , ylab = "sepal width"
  , type = "p"

# Try it AGAIN, this time coloring by species and a legend
  x = iris$Sepal.Length
  , y = iris$Sepal.Width
  , main = "My Third R plot!"
  , xlab = "sepal length"
  , ylab = "sepal width"
  , type = "p"
  , col = iris$Species
  , bg = iris$Species
  , pch = 21

# Add a legend
  x = 7
  , y = 4.3
  , unique(iris$Species)
  , col = seq_len(length(iris$Species))
  , pch = 1

The base plotting system can be a great tool for quick exploratory analysis of data, such as examination of the distribution of variables in your data.

# Minimal Histogram

# Better histogram
  , main = "Distribution of petal length"
  , xlab = "petal length"
  , breaks = 25

# Empirical density
  , main = "Empirical density of petal length"
  , col = "blue"

You can add more than one variable to these plots! Let’s compare the densities of Sepal length by species

# Overlay densities of Petal length by species
  density(iris[iris$Species == "setosa", "Petal.Length"])
  , main = "Empirical density of petal length"
  , col = "blue"
  , xlim = c(0, 7)
  , ylim = c(0, 2.5)
lines(density(iris[iris$Species == "versicolor", "Petal.Length"]), col = "red")
lines(density(iris[iris$Species == "virginica", "Petal.Length"]), col = "black")

# Add a legend
  x = 5.5
  , y = 2.25
  , legend = unique(iris$Species)
  , col = c("blue", "red", "black")
  , pch = 1

You can control the plotting options to make a grid of plots. The code below creates a 2x2 grid with a density for Sepal Width and scatter plots of the other three variables against sepal width.

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

  , main = "Empirical density of petal length"
  , col = "red"
    x = iris[iris$Species == "setosa", "Sepal.Width"]
    , y = iris[iris$Species == "setosa", "Petal.Length"]
    , ylab = "Petal Length"
    , xlab = "Sepal Width"
    , ylim = range(iris$Petal.Length)
    , xlim = range(iris$Sepal.Width)
    , main = "sepal width vs petal length (species = setosa)"
    , col = 1
    , bg = 1
    , pch = 21
    x = iris[iris$Species == "versicolor", "Sepal.Width"]
    , y = iris[iris$Species == "versicolor", "Petal.Length"]
    , ylab = "Petal Length"
    , xlab = "Sepal Width"
    , ylim = range(iris$Petal.Length)
    , xlim = range(iris$Sepal.Width)
    , main = "sepal width vs petal length (species = versicolor)"
    , col = 2
    , bg = 2
    , pch = 21
    x = iris[iris$Species == "virginica", "Sepal.Width"]
    , y = iris[iris$Species == "virginica", "Petal.Length"]
    , ylab = "Petal Length"
    , xlab = "Sepal Width"
    , ylim = range(iris$Petal.Length)
    , xlim = range(iris$Sepal.Width)
    , main = "sepal width vs petal length (species = virginica)"
    , col = 3
    , bg = 3
    , pch = 21

# reset options
par(mfrow = c(1,1))

A Note On Graphics Devices

When R (or any other program!) creates plots, it needs to know where to put them! When you call plot() or other commands from within and RStudio session, the default is to just display the resulting figure in the “Plots” pane. However, you can use other graphics devices (places to put visual output) to tell R to put your figures elsewhere.

outDir <- file.path(getwd(), "plots")

if (!dir.exists(outDir)) {

# Create 10 plots in a loop
for (i in seq_len(10)){
    # Open a connection to a .png file
    fileName <- paste0("plot_", i, ".png")
    filePath <- file.path(outDir, fileName)

    # Write out a plot to that file
    plot(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))

    # Close the connection to that file

Manipulating Data Frames

Columnwise combination with cbind

In situations where you have multiple data frames with the same rows but different columns, you can combine them column-wise with R’s cbind() command. Note that this command will only work if the two data frames to be joined have the same number of rows AND those rows refer to the same observation.

cbind = “column-wise bind”

x <- data.frame(
    person = c(
        "Emily", "Stephanie", "Chizom", "Corey",
        "Vicki", "Victor", "Swift"
    , followers = c(200, 1200, 800, 18000, 21775, 1123, 28965)

y <- data.frame(
    type = c(
        "personal", "tech", "personal", "tech",
        "tech", "news", "tech"

cbind(x, y)
##      person followers     type
## 1     Emily       200 personal
## 2 Stephanie      1200     tech
## 3    Chizom       800 personal
## 4     Corey     18000     tech
## 5     Vicki     21775     tech
## 6    Victor      1123     news
## 7     Swift     28965     tech

Column Matching with merge

cbind() works in the limited situation where you have two data frames that can just be jammed together (same number of rows + rows line up). This doesn’t happen too often. However, it is VERY common in data science workflows to have two mismatched tables of data from different sources and to want to combine them by matching on one or more keys. Think JOIN in SQL or VLOOKUP in Excel. To perform this operation in R, you can use the merge() command.

x <- data.frame(
    person = c(
        "Emily", "Stephanie", "Chizom", "Corey",
        "Vicki", "Victor", "Swift"
    , followers = c(200, 1200, 800, 18000, 21775, 1123, 28965)
    , type = c(
        "personal", "tech", "personal", "tech",
        "tech", "news", "tech"

y <- data.frame(
    type = c("news", "personal", "tech")
    , avg_followers = c(900, 55, 1300)

merge(x, y)
##       type    person followers avg_followers
## 1     news    Victor      1123           900
## 2 personal     Emily       200            55
## 3 personal    Chizom       800            55
## 4     tech Stephanie      1200          1300
## 5     tech     Corey     18000          1300
## 6     tech     Vicki     21775          1300
## 7     tech     Swift     28965          1300

Rowwise combination with rbind

So far we’ve talked about merging columns from different tables. But what if you want to merge rows? For example, imagine that you are a researcher in a lab studying some natural phenomenon. You may take multiple samples (measuring the same variables) and then want to put them together into a single data frame to build a model. For this case, we can use R’s rbind() function.

rbind = “row-wise bind”

x <- data.frame(
    grade = c("A", "B", "A")
    , pct = c(95.1, 86.5, 98.3)
    , col3 = rep(FALSE, 3)

y <- data.frame(
    grade = c("B", "A", "A")
    , pct = c(88.4, 99.9, 97.6)
    , col3 = rep(TRUE, 3)

fullDF <- rbind(x, y)
##   grade  pct  col3
## 1     A 95.1 FALSE
## 2     B 86.5 FALSE
## 3     A 98.3 FALSE
## 4     B 88.4  TRUE
## 5     A 99.9  TRUE
## 6     A 97.6  TRUE
# compare
## [1] 3 3
## [1] 3 3
## [1] 6 3

Rowwise Combination of Many Tables with rbindlist

rbind() works as a strategy for combining two tables, but what if you have 5 tables? 10? 1000? For those situations, you should checkout rbindlist() from the {data.table} package.


df1 <- data.frame(
    grade = c("A", "B", "A")
    , pct = c(95.1, 86.5, 98.3)

df2 <- data.frame(
    grade = c("B", "A", "A")
    , pct = c(88.4, 99.9, 97.6)

df3 <- data.frame(
  grade = c("C", "D", "F")
  , pct = c(71.5, 68.7, 66.4)
  , appeal = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)

# put all the data frames in a list
df_list <- list(df1, df2, df3)
print(str(df_list, max.level = 1))
## List of 3
##  $ :'data.frame':    3 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ :'data.frame':    3 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ :'data.frame':    3 obs. of  3 variables:
# get one new big dataframe
fullDF <- data.table::rbindlist(
    l = df_list
    , fill = TRUE
##     grade   pct appeal
##    <char> <num> <lgcl>
## 1:      A  95.1     NA
## 2:      B  86.5     NA
## 3:      A  98.3     NA
## 4:      B  88.4     NA
## 5:      A  99.9     NA
## 6:      A  97.6     NA
## 7:      C  71.5  FALSE
## 8:      D  68.7  FALSE
## 9:      F  66.4   TRUE

Statistical Analysis

R Was Made for Statistics!

In this section, we’re going to walk through all the steps of basic statistical analysis: getting data, exploring it, creating features, building models, evaluating models, and comparing those models’ performance.

Getting and Splitting the Data

We’re going to work with R’s swiss dataset. This cross-sectional dataset contains measures of fertility and some economic indicators collected in Switzerland in 1888. Our first task will be to load the data and immediately hold out a piece of it as testing data. The idea here is that when we evaluate the performance of our models later on, it will be better to do it on data that the models haven’t seen. This will give a more honest picture of how well they might perform on new data.

In this exercise, we’re going to evaluate the following question: Can we predict fertility based on regional socioeconomic characteristics?

# Load in some data
# Research: What do the variables mean?
# make the sampling below the same every time this is knitted
# Test vs. Training Data: Let's hold out 40 random records right now for testing
testIndx    <- sample(seq_len(nrow(swiss)), size = 10, replace = FALSE)
swissTestDF <- swiss[testIndx,]
swiss       <- swiss[-testIndx,]

Examine Your Training Data

Once you’ve split your data into training and test, you should start poking it a bit to see if you find anything interesting. You can use str() to view the contents of your data objects, summary() to view some basic summary statistics on data frame columns, and cor() to get a correlation matrix between all pairs of numeric variables.

# Look at the structure
## 'data.frame':    37 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Fertility       : num  80.2 83.1 92.5 76.1 83.8 92.4 82.4 82.9 87.1 64.1 ...
##  $ Agriculture     : num  17 45.1 39.7 35.3 70.2 67.8 53.3 45.2 64.5 62 ...
##  $ Examination     : int  15 6 5 9 16 14 12 16 14 21 ...
##  $ Education       : int  12 9 5 7 7 8 7 13 6 12 ...
##  $ Catholic        : num  9.96 84.84 93.4 90.57 92.85 ...
##  $ Infant.Mortality: num  22.2 22.2 20.2 26.6 23.6 24.9 21 24.4 24.5 16.5 ...
# Tables of summary stats
##    Fertility      Agriculture     Examination      Education    
##  Min.   :35.00   Min.   : 1.20   Min.   : 3.00   Min.   : 1.00  
##  1st Qu.:65.00   1st Qu.:35.30   1st Qu.:12.00   1st Qu.: 6.00  
##  Median :72.00   Median :58.10   Median :15.00   Median : 9.00  
##  Mean   :71.53   Mean   :51.22   Mean   :16.11   Mean   :10.97  
##  3rd Qu.:79.40   3rd Qu.:67.80   3rd Qu.:22.00   3rd Qu.:12.00  
##  Max.   :92.50   Max.   :89.70   Max.   :37.00   Max.   :53.00  
##     Catholic      Infant.Mortality
##  Min.   :  2.40   Min.   :15.10   
##  1st Qu.:  5.62   1st Qu.:18.10   
##  Median : 18.46   Median :20.20   
##  Mean   : 46.45   Mean   :20.34   
##  3rd Qu.: 96.83   3rd Qu.:22.20   
##  Max.   :100.00   Max.   :26.60
# Correlation matrix
round(cor(swiss), 2)
##                  Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic
## Fertility             1.00        0.42       -0.69     -0.70     0.50
## Agriculture           0.42        1.00       -0.68     -0.69     0.39
## Examination          -0.69       -0.68        1.00      0.78    -0.56
## Education            -0.70       -0.69        0.78      1.00    -0.20
## Catholic              0.50        0.39       -0.56     -0.20     1.00
## Infant.Mortality      0.34       -0.21        0.05     -0.04     0.10
##                  Infant.Mortality
## Fertility                    0.34
## Agriculture                 -0.21
## Examination                  0.05
## Education                   -0.04
## Catholic                     0.10
## Infant.Mortality             1.00

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis tests can be enormously valuable tools for discovering differences in datasets and evaluates relationships between variables.

One approach to looking for statistically interesting features (right-hand-side variables) involves binning those variables into “above median” and “below median”, and using a paired t-test to see whether or not the variable is statistically related to the target.

# t-tests

# Is fertility very different in provinces with above-median % of men in Agriculture
swiss$majority_agg <- swiss$Agriculture > median(swiss$Agriculture)
t.test(Fertility ~ majority_agg, data = swiss)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Fertility by majority_agg
## t = -1.3928, df = 31.595, p-value = 0.1734
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group FALSE and group TRUE is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -13.808645   2.596949
## sample estimates:
## mean in group FALSE  mean in group TRUE 
##            68.80526            74.41111
#  Let's create this feature for every variable (we'll re-use it)

#=== Drop that majority_agg feature
swiss$majority_agg <- NULL

#=== Create the binary columns
x_var_names <- names(swiss)[names(swiss) != "Fertility"]
for (var_name in x_var_names){

    bin_var_name <- paste0(var_name, "_above_median")
    swiss[, bin_var_name] <- swiss[, var_name] > median(swiss[, var_name])

    # Remember to give the test set these new features!
    swissTestDF[, bin_var_name] <- swissTestDF[, var_name] > median(swiss[, var_name])

We can use lapply() to apply the same test to every variable in our data frame.

# Could just loop over every non-Fertility column and do this test!
bin_var_names <- grep("_above_median", names(swiss), value = TRUE)
t_tests <- lapply(bin_var_names, function(bin_var){
    t_test <- t.test(
        Fertility ~ get(bin_var)
        , data = swiss
    p_val  <- t_test$p.value
        signal = bin_var
        , p_val = round(t_test$p.value, 2)
        , t_stat = round(t_test$statistic, 2)
tDT <- data.table::rbindlist(t_tests)
##                           signal p_val t_stat
##                           <char> <num>  <num>
## 1:      Agriculture_above_median  0.17  -1.39
## 2:      Examination_above_median  0.00   4.30
## 3:        Education_above_median  0.00   3.58
## 4:         Catholic_above_median  0.05  -2.11
## 5: Infant.Mortality_above_median  0.11  -1.66

Simple OLS Model

Ok now that we’ve done some basic preprocessing and exploration, it’s time to start fitting models! Let’s begin with a simple one-variable OLS regression, estimated using the lm() command.

# Simple regression: Fertility = f(Agriculture)
mod1 <- lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss)

# model summary
## Call:
## lm(formula = Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -25.2058  -7.9749   0.4806   8.9844  23.5765 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 59.93412    4.64862  12.893 7.46e-15 ***
## Agriculture  0.22643    0.08287   2.732  0.00979 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 11.53 on 35 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.1758, Adjusted R-squared:  0.1523 
## F-statistic: 7.466 on 1 and 35 DF,  p-value: 0.009788
# QQ plot (are the residuals normal?)
plot(mod1, which = 2)

Once you have the fitted model, you can pass it and some new data to predict() to generate predictions. I’ve also defined calculations of the mean absolute error, mean squared error, and mean absolute percent error, common error metrics used in regression problems.

# Check how well our model does on the held-out data
preds <- predict(mod1, newdata = swissTestDF)
errors <- swissTestDF$Fertility - preds

MAE   <- mean(abs(errors))
MSE   <- mean(errors^2)
MAPE  <- 100*mean(abs(errors)/swissTestDF$Fertility)

# Actuals vs. Preds plot
    x = swissTestDF$Fertility
    , y = preds
    , xlab = "Actual Fertility"
    , ylab = "Predicted Fertility"
    , main = "Predictions from a simple OLS model"
    , ylim = c(0, 100)
    , xlim = c(0, 100)
lines(x = 0:100, y = 0:100, col = "red")

Wrap Parts of Your Pipeline in Functions

The error metric calculations and plotting we just did seem general enough to apply to other models of this phenomenon. Since we could reuse the code for other models, we should just wrap it in a function so it’s easy to call downstream.

# Before moving on...lets wrap that pipeline in a function
EvaluateModel <- function(model, testDF, modelName){
    # Check how well our model does on the held-out data
    preds <- predict(model, newdata = testDF)
    errors <- testDF$Fertility - preds

    MAE   <- mean(abs(errors))
    MSE   <- mean(errors^2)
    MAPE  <- 100 * mean(abs(errors) / testDF$Fertility)

    # Actuals vs. Preds plot
        x = testDF$Fertility
        , y = preds
        , xlab = "Actual Fertility"
        , ylab = "Predicted Fertility"
        , main = paste0(modelName, ": predictions")
        , ylim = c(0, 100)
        , xlim = c(0, 100)

    # Add a 45-degree line
    lines(x = 0:100, y = 0:100, col = "red")

    # add error metrics
    text(x = rep(5,3), y = c(72,80,88), labels = c("MAE: ", "MSE: ", "MAPE: "))
    text(x = rep(15,3), y = c(72,80,88), labels = round(c(MAE, MSE, MAPE), 2))

    # Give back the preds in case user wants to do something customized
        pred = preds
        , MAE = MAE
        , MSE = MSE
        , MAPE = MAPE

    model = mod1
    , testDF = swissTestDF
    , modelName = "ols-1-var"

## $pred
## ValdeTravers      Yverdon   Neuveville         Orbe      Aubonne    La Vallee 
##     64.16843     71.14260     69.78400     72.18419     75.21841     63.37592 
##      Moutier  Rive Droite    Entremont     Cossonay 
##     68.19896     70.48594     79.15836     75.62599 
## $MAE
## [1] 11.564
## $MSE
## [1] 173.1363
## $MAPE
## [1] 19.30123

OLS with Multiple RHS Variables

To add more variables to a model in R, you have to use formula notation.

# Fit
mod2 <- lm(
    Fertility ~ Education + Infant.Mortality + Examination_above_median
    , data = swiss

# Predict + Evaluate
regPreds2 <- EvaluateModel(
    , testDF = swissTestDF
    , modelName = "Expanded OLS"

Regression Trees

Linear regressions are powerful tools, but there are certain classes of complex relationships that they are unable to express and therefore unable to “learn” when trained on data.

Regression Trees are one mainstream tool used to fit complex functions. They recursively partition the dataset, trying to find “local” models of subsets of the data which, together, provide a better fit than the single “global” OLS model we’re used to fitting.

The details of tree-based learning are outside the scope of this class, but I encourage you to check out A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning to at least get the general intuition behind this and other ML techniques.


# Fit
treeMod <- rpart::rpart(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss)

# Evaluate
dtPreds <- EvaluateModel(
    , swissTestDF
    , "Decision Tree"

You can walk through the tree with this awesome package called rattle. This package can be super hard to build… if you run into any issues, there are lots of nice options available via the rpart.plot package.

# Plot the tree
    , main = "Single Decision Tree"
    , sub = ""

Random Forests

For larger datasets than the one we’re working with in this exercise, you may find that a single decision tree is not expressive enough or that one strong signal overpowers all the other variables. To correct for this, many analysts will use a “forest” of decision trees. The implementation details are again outside the scope of this course: see Leo Breiman’s excellent site if you’re curious in learning more about this algorithm.

I only mention the random forest here to demonstrate how easy it is to fit and predict with complex statistical models in R.


# Fit
rfMod <- randomForest::randomForest(
    Fertility ~ .
    , data = swiss
    , ntree = 50
    , do.trace = TRUE
##      |      Out-of-bag   |
## Tree |      MSE  %Var(y) |
##    1 |    182.9   119.94 |
##    2 |    162.2   106.33 |
##    3 |    128.9    84.48 |
##    4 |    116.8    76.60 |
##    5 |      115    75.37 |
##    6 |    125.3    82.17 |
##    7 |    112.7    73.91 |
##    8 |    110.1    72.18 |
##    9 |    102.4    67.11 |
##   10 |    109.8    71.96 |
##   11 |    105.5    69.18 |
##   12 |    101.8    66.74 |
##   13 |    91.23    59.81 |
##   14 |    91.79    60.18 |
##   15 |    87.46    57.34 |
##   16 |    85.33    55.94 |
##   17 |    81.46    53.40 |
##   18 |    81.87    53.68 |
##   19 |    82.14    53.85 |
##   20 |    85.74    56.21 |
##   21 |    85.54    56.08 |
##   22 |    83.15    54.51 |
##   23 |    83.57    54.79 |
##   24 |    81.16    53.21 |
##   25 |    79.63    52.21 |
##   26 |    76.47    50.13 |
##   27 |    77.72    50.95 |
##   28 |    77.62    50.89 |
##   29 |     76.6    50.22 |
##   30 |    76.91    50.43 |
##   31 |    77.01    50.49 |
##   32 |    75.11    49.25 |
##   33 |    75.66    49.60 |
##   34 |    76.07    49.87 |
##   35 |    75.76    49.67 |
##   36 |    76.27    50.01 |
##   37 |    77.07    50.53 |
##   38 |    77.43    50.77 |
##   39 |    77.23    50.63 |
##   40 |    78.85    51.70 |
##   41 |    78.87    51.71 |
##   42 |    78.36    51.37 |
##   43 |     78.4    51.40 |
##   44 |    77.98    51.13 |
##   45 |    79.63    52.21 |
##   46 |    80.21    52.59 |
##   47 |    79.72    52.26 |
##   48 |    80.39    52.70 |
##   49 |    79.79    52.31 |
##   50 |    79.59    52.18 |
# Evaluate
rfPreds <- EvaluateModel(
  model = rfMod
  , testDF = swissTestDF
  , modelName = "Random Forest (ntree=50)"

Model Evaluation

In a real project, at some point you will find yourself saying “ok, I have all these models. What should I actually use to generate predictions?”. This question was our motivation for holding out a test set at the beginning of this walkthrough. Accuracy when predicting on previously unseen data is a totally defensible measure for choosing the “best” model from a set of candidate models.

Let’s see how the models we trained in this exercise performed:

# Linear Model
linear_model <- lm(
    Fertility ~ Education + Infant.Mortality + Examination_above_median
    , data = swiss
linearPreds <- EvaluateModel(
    , testDF = swissTestDF
    , modelName = "Expanded OLS"

# Regression Tree
treeMod <- rpart::rpart(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss)
dtPreds <- EvaluateModel(
    , swissTestDF
    , "Decision Tree"

# Random Forest
rfMod <- randomForest::randomForest(
    Fertility ~ .
    , data = swiss
    , ntree = 50
    , do.trace = TRUE
##      |      Out-of-bag   |
## Tree |      MSE  %Var(y) |
##    1 |    158.3   103.78 |
##    2 |    183.7   120.46 |
##    3 |    194.9   127.77 |
##    4 |      172   112.74 |
##    5 |    160.4   105.16 |
##    6 |    165.9   108.78 |
##    7 |    145.8    95.58 |
##    8 |    123.1    80.72 |
##    9 |    128.8    84.45 |
##   10 |    125.5    82.30 |
##   11 |    120.6    79.05 |
##   12 |    111.1    72.81 |
##   13 |    107.6    70.55 |
##   14 |    109.1    71.52 |
##   15 |    93.67    61.41 |
##   16 |    94.62    62.03 |
##   17 |    93.55    61.33 |
##   18 |    92.83    60.86 |
##   19 |     94.6    62.02 |
##   20 |    94.94    62.25 |
##   21 |    93.69    61.42 |
##   22 |    95.52    62.63 |
##   23 |    96.54    63.29 |
##   24 |    95.08    62.34 |
##   25 |    97.38    63.85 |
##   26 |    95.81    62.82 |
##   27 |    96.23    63.09 |
##   28 |    94.71    62.10 |
##   29 |    93.07    61.02 |
##   30 |    84.69    55.52 |
##   31 |    85.61    56.13 |
##   32 |    84.68    55.52 |
##   33 |    85.33    55.95 |
##   34 |    84.75    55.57 |
##   35 |     82.8    54.28 |
##   36 |    81.11    53.18 |
##   37 |    82.91    54.35 |
##   38 |    82.57    54.14 |
##   39 |     82.5    54.09 |
##   40 |    84.48    55.39 |
##   41 |    83.48    54.73 |
##   42 |    81.48    53.42 |
##   43 |    81.68    53.55 |
##   44 |    82.99    54.41 |
##   45 |    83.02    54.43 |
##   46 |    82.99    54.41 |
##   47 |    82.77    54.27 |
##   48 |    83.28    54.60 |
##   49 |    84.56    55.44 |
##   50 |    83.01    54.42 |
rfPreds <- EvaluateModel(
  model = rfMod
  , testDF = swissTestDF
  , modelName = "Random Forest (ntree=50)"

# Build a table showing performance of each model type on the holdout
compDF <- data.frame(
    modelName = c("Expanded OLS", "Decision Tree", "Random Forest (ntree=100)")
    , MAE     = c(linearPreds$MAE, dtPreds$MAE, rfPreds$MAE)
    , MSE     = c(linearPreds$MSE, dtPreds$MSE, rfPreds$MSE)
    , MAPE    = c(linearPreds$MAPE, dtPreds$MAPE, rfPreds$MAPE)
##                   modelName      MAE       MSE     MAPE
## 1              Expanded OLS 8.178032  76.89200 12.80931
## 2             Decision Tree 8.573125 167.93812 15.52601
## 3 Random Forest (ntree=100) 8.020540  75.13225 13.20955

Text Processing

Common Preprocessing Steps

In this section, we’re going to use the Shakespeare corpus and implement a basic “keyword extraction” pipeline. Let’s start by loading it and doing some common string preprocessing on it.

shakespeareFile <- ""
bsText <- readLines(con = shakespeareFile)

If you navigate to in a web browser, you’ll see that the beginning of that file has some text that isn’t actually part of Shakespeare’s sonnets. It’s just legal disclaimers and background information.

The sonnets officially begin a few lines after the text “THE SONNETS”. So to start, find that line using which(), and remove the header text from the dataset.

# find where the sonnets begin
start_position <- which(bsText == START_TEXT) + 5
bsText <- bsText[start_position:length(bsText)]
# Convert everything to lowercase
bsText <- tolower(bsText)

# Trim leading and trailing whitespace (e.g. change "   a" to "a")
bsText <- trimws(bsText)

# Remove empty lines
bsText <- bsText[sapply(bsText, nchar)>0]

Regular Expressions

After applying these basic steps, we’re going to want to do some more powerful things like removing or replacing text based on particular character patterns. It is time to enter the mystical world of regular expressions.

Regular expressions (used in many programming languages) offer a way to express complex pattern matching. Let’s work through some examples to demonstrate the properties.

# Remove punctuation
bsText <- gsub(
    pattern = ";|,|!|?|\\.|\\:|<|>|\\]|\\["
    , replacement = ""
    , x =  bsText

You can run sample(bsText, 10) and see that our data are looking cleaner…but we still have work to do! Next, let’s use regular expressions (commonly just called “regex”) to handle some other issues.

# split some common contractions into two words
bsText <- gsub("he's", "he is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("how's", "how is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("it's", "it is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("she's", "she is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("that's", "that is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("there's", "there is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("what's", "what is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("when's", "when is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("where's", "where is", bsText)
bsText <- gsub("why's", "why is", bsText)

bsText <- gsub("'ll", " will", bsText)


The next task we need to accomplish is tokenizing our text, i.e. splitting lines and sentences into individual words. These individual words can then be used downstream to get build a language model and identify key terms.

# Loop over the vector of lines, split on whitespace, create a list of data.frames
allWords <- lapply(
    X = bsText
    , FUN = function(thisLine){
        return(data.frame(words = str_split(thisLine, " ")[[1]]))

# Put into a data.table and print that just to make sure it worked
wordDT <- data.table::rbindlist(allWords)
print(wordDT[1:10], row.names = FALSE)
##      words
##     <char>
##          i
##       from
##    fairest
##  creatures
##         we
##     desire
##   increase
##       that
##    thereby
##   beauty's

Counting Words in Text

Now that our data are a bit cleaner, it’s time to try finding key terms! Broadly speaking, “key terms” in a body of text are those that more common in the text than they are in the language as a whole (e.g. “the” will never be a key word). We aren’t looking at any actual data on the distribution of words in Shakespeare-era English in this exercise, so we’ll just drop the top 20 words and call the next 20 “key”.

The data.table package makes this operation easy to carry out.

# Get Word counts and sort by those counts
wordCountDT <- wordDT[, .N, by = words]
    , old = "N"
    , new = "word_count"
data.table::setorder(wordCountDT, -word_count)
print(wordCountDT[1:10], row.names = FALSE)
##   words word_count
##  <char>      <int>
##     and        490
##     the        440
##      to        410
##      of        374
##      my        371
##       i        348
##    that        322
##      in        322
##     thy        279
##    thou        233
key_words <- wordCountDT[21:40]

Software Principles

Getting Your Project Off the Ground

Ok so you have a business question, you’ve chosen your toolchain (presumably with R), and you have some data in hand. You sit down to write code and, well…

Don’t fear! In this section, we’re going to walk through the process of building a non-trivial script from scratch.

Step 1: Build a Comment Skeleton

Resist the urge to just start writing code. Investing a few minutes upfront in thinking through the structure of your code will pay off in a big way as the project evolves and grows more complicated. Trust me.

First, just write down the main things you want to do. In this exercise, we’re going to write some R code that can generate n-page “books” or random sentences in English.

#=== Write an R script that writes a book! ===#

# Function to create random sentences

# Function to create a "page" with n sentences

# Function to create a "book" with m pages

# Call the book function and create a 5-page book

Step 2: Define Functions

Next, fill in the high-level outline with slightly more specifics. Try to strategize about the functions you’ll need to implement and the individual steps that will have to happen inside each of those functions. This will probably change once you start writing code, but in my experience it’s always easier to have a plan and change it.

# Function to create random sentences
createSentence <- function(){

    # Define a list of nouns

    # Define a list of adjectives

    # Define a list of adverbs

    # Define a list of verbs

    # Define a list of articles

    # Define a list of prepositions

    # Choose randomly from each, construct a sentence of the form
    # article-adjective-noun-adverb-verb-preposition

    # Return the sentence


# Function to create a "page" with n sentences
createPage <- function(n){

    # Call the function to create a sentence n times

    # Paste the n results together into one string, separated by a period and a space.

    # Return that one string

# Function to create a "book" with m pages
createBook <- function(n_pages, sentences_per_page){

    # Call the function to create pages n_pages times

    # Return a list with 1 page per element

# Call the book function and create a 5-page book

Pirate Book Example

You’ll spend the most time on this and you will have to go through it many times before you’re feeling comfortable with the code. I’ve given one implementation below. The point here is not to show you how to create a book-writing app, but rather to demonstrate that this somewhat complicated task was made easier by breaking it into smaller, more manageable pieces.

# Function to create random sentences
createSentence <- function(){

    # Define a list of nouns
    nouns <- c("parrot", "giant squid", "whale", "captain", "first mate")

    # Define a list of adjectives
    adjectives <- c("hearty", "brave", "grimy", "tough", "swarthy")

    # Define a list of adverbs
    adverbs <- c("quickly", "carefully")

    # Define a list of verbs
    verbs <- c("scurried", "trundled", "rolled", "walked")

    # Define a list of articles
    articles <- c("a", "the")

    # Define a list of prepositions
    prepositions <- c("away", "below")

    # Construct a sentence of the form article-adjective-noun-adverb-verb.
    sentence <- paste(
        sample(articles, 1)
        , sample(adjectives, 1)
        , sample(nouns, 1)
        , sample(adverbs, 1)
        , sample(verbs, 1)
        , sample(prepositions, 1)

    # Return the sentence

# Function to create a "page" with n sentences
createPage <- function(n){

    # Call the function to create a sentence n times
    some_sentences <- sapply(
        X = seq_len(n)
        , FUN = function(x){

    # Paste the n results together into one string, separated by a period and a space.
    a_page <- paste(some_sentences, collapse = ". ")

    # Return that one string

# Function to create a "book" with m pages
createBook <- function(n_pages, sentences_per_page){

    # Call the function to create pages n_pages times
    a_book <- lapply(
        X = seq_len(n_pages)
        , FUN = function(x){
            createPage(n = sentences_per_page)

    # Return a list with 1 page per element

# Call the book function and create a 5-page book
aPirateTale <- createBook(n_pages = 5, sentences_per_page = 10)
## [[1]]
## [1] "the swarthy whale carefully scurried below. the swarthy captain quickly trundled below. a swarthy parrot quickly scurried away. a tough captain quickly rolled away. the hearty giant squid quickly scurried away. a tough parrot carefully walked away. the grimy parrot carefully scurried away. a tough first mate carefully scurried below. a grimy giant squid carefully walked below. the tough first mate quickly scurried below"
## [[2]]
## [1] "a hearty captain quickly walked below. a swarthy first mate carefully trundled below. a swarthy parrot quickly trundled below. the tough whale carefully rolled away. the swarthy captain quickly rolled below. a grimy giant squid quickly scurried below. a grimy first mate carefully rolled below. the swarthy whale quickly rolled below. the grimy parrot carefully trundled away. the tough parrot carefully rolled below"
## [[3]]
## [1] "a hearty parrot carefully scurried below. a tough captain carefully walked away. the hearty captain carefully scurried away. the hearty captain carefully trundled away. the tough first mate carefully walked below. a grimy captain carefully walked below. a brave giant squid carefully rolled below. a swarthy captain carefully scurried away. a swarthy parrot quickly walked away. a swarthy captain carefully trundled away"
## [[4]]
## [1] "the grimy giant squid quickly rolled away. the hearty whale quickly walked below. a tough captain quickly rolled below. the swarthy first mate quickly walked away. a tough first mate carefully rolled away. a swarthy first mate quickly trundled below. the grimy parrot carefully trundled below. a brave giant squid carefully rolled away. a brave captain carefully walked below. a brave giant squid carefully trundled away"
## [[5]]
## [1] "the brave whale carefully scurried away. a tough giant squid quickly rolled away. the grimy whale quickly walked away. a brave captain carefully walked away. a tough captain carefully scurried below. a swarthy whale quickly rolled away. the hearty first mate carefully walked away. the swarthy first mate carefully trundled away. the swarthy whale carefully walked below. the hearty first mate carefully trundled away"

R Programming Best Practices

Scripting: Style Notes

Use this slide as a general reference of coding best practices.

  • Declare all the dependencies you need in a bunch of library() calls at the top of your script(s)
  • Set global variables (like file paths) in all-caps near the top of your script(s)
  • Use comments like #===== Section 1 - Do Stuff =====# to separate major sections of the code
  • Namespace any calls to external functions with :: (e.g. lubridate::ymd_hms())

For other practices to keep your code clean and readable, check out Hadley Wickham’s style guide for R.

My script below shows an example of a typical layout for professional-quality R code.


#===== 1. Setup =====#

# Load dependencies

# Set script-level constants
TITLE       <- "U.S. CPI" # "U.S. unemployment""
VAR_UNITS   <- "Index (1982-1984 = 100)" # "% of labor force"

#===== 2. Get Data =====#

# Get data from FRED
cpiData <- quantmod::getSymbols(
    Symbols = FRED_SERIES
    , src = "FRED"
    , auto.assign = FALSE

#===== 3. Plot it! =====#

# Plot it!
    data = cpiData
    , main = TITLE
    , xlab = "date"
    , ylab = VAR_UNITS
    , elementId = "plot"
) %>%

Creating R Packages

There are around 20,000 packages currently on CRAN but MANY more privately-created packages in use by academics, professional data science teams, and hobbyists.

Packages are an effective way to share your code with others.

See the following to learn how to create packages:

  • “Using R packages and education to scale Data Science at Airbnb” (Airbnb blog)
  • R packages for creating and testing packages:
    • {remotes} (link) = R wrappers around some command-line tools used to build R packages. Also includes some utilities for installing packages from source code.
    • {roxygen2} (link) = provides a framework for turning specially-formatting comments in R functions into package documentation that you can call with ?
    • {testthat} (link) = a popular library for running unit tests, essentially tests that your code works as it should
  • “R packages” book - Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan (link)
  • unit testing with {testthat} (link)